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Automated Payment Collection System

Automated Payment Collection System
Part 1
6m 35s Lecture

  • Objective of the Video: The video aims to introduce the course on an “Automated Payment Collection System,” highlighting the key learnings and benefits it offers for creating an automated system to streamline payment collection.

    Key Learnings from the Video:

    1. Problems in Payment Collection:
      • Late Payments: Late payments pose operational challenges for businesses, affecting expenses like employee salaries and rent.
      • Collection Challenges: Even with satisfied customers, receiving timely payments is not guaranteed, making collection a persistent challenge.
      • Late Payment Excuses: Customers often provide excuses for delayed payments, adding complexity to the collection process.
      • Unwanted Task: Employees, including business owners, are typically disinterested in the repetitive and tedious task of payment collection.
      • Need for Persistent Follow-up: Without consistent follow-ups, customers may not prioritize making payments.
      • Lack of Written Proof: The absence of documented follow-ups becomes a challenge if legal action is considered against customers.
    2. Course Benefits and Key Outcomes:
      • The course empowers users to establish an automated payment collection system.
      • Facilitates timely collection of payments through automation.
      • Encourages regular and consistent follow-ups with customers.
      • Addresses the challenges faced by businesses in the payment collection process.
      • Provides a solution to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the payment collection system.
      • Emphasizes the importance of documentation for legal purposes in case of disputes.

    Key Outcomes of the Video:

    • Gain proficiency in using an automated payment collection system for timely payment collection.
    • Develop a systematic approach for consistent follow-ups with customers.
    • Overcome challenges in payment collection by implementing efficient and automated processes.
    • Recognize the significance of documentation for legal purposes in the event of payment disputes

Part 2
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Part 3
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Part 4
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Part 5
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Part 6
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Part 7
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Part 8
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Part 9
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Part 10
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Part 11
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Part 12
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Part 13
8m 05s Lecture
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Start On January 31, 2024
Duration 1 Hour 37 Minutes
Level Beginner
Automated Payment Collection System
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